Pan de Pascua French Toast

Turn your Pan de Pascua into a magnificent breakfast: FRENCHTOAST.

1. Slice your Pan de Pascua
2. In a bowl mix the eggs, milk, vanilla and cinnamon.
(Use the normal quantities you use for normal French
3. Dip the slices of bread into the egg mixture allowing
them to soak on both sides.
4. Transfer each piece to the hot griddle and cook until
golden brown on both sides, about 3 minutes per side.

Pan de Pascua

A Chilean mix between a Fruit Cake and a Panettone.

  1. Whisk the egg whites slightly. Set aside.
  2. In a different bowl, cream the butter and sugar. Add the egg yolks and then the whisked egg whites
  3. Start adding the dry ingredientes (previously mixed, excpet for the spices) and alternate with the milk and pisco.
  4. Add the spices
  5. Add the fruits and nuts (passed in flour just before)
  6. Add to a mould ( a high one is better)
  7. Bake at 180ºC for 1 hour. Check to see the insde, a skewer must come out dry.